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Coconut Cake

One popular variation of coconut cake is coconut poke cake. While traditional coconut cake is round and multi-layered, coconut poke cake is either a white or yellow cake that is rectangular and single-layered Cake: 2 cups sugar 3¼ cups flour 2½ tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt 1½ sticks melted, unsalted butter 1¼ cups coconut… Read More Coconut Cake

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CupCake History

While cake itself in some form or another has been around since ancient times, cupcakes first came about in America. It is thought that the first ever reference to ‘a cake to be baked in small cups’, rather than as a layer cake, was in Amelia Simmons ‘American Cookery’ in 1796. Amelia Simmons invented the… Read More CupCake History

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Cake Pop

A cake pop is a form of cake styled as lollipop. Cake crumbs are mixed with icing or chocolate, and formed into small spheres or cubes in the same way as cake balls, before being given a coating of icing, chocolate or other decorations and attached to sticks. Cake pops are prepared by baking a… Read More Cake Pop

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