
Transparent Cake

Today I would like to share the amazing Glass Cake. Glass Cake is a very creative & innovative cake that you will love to make. You can make this amazing glass cake with some creams and milk.

Most of us don’t know what is Agar Agar. Many people when listening to the name of Agar Agar for the first time. It is natural to feel like that because it is very rare here. But this magical Agar Agar Powder helps a lot to make this cake more beautiful…

Agar agar is a gelatinous substance derived from seaweeds plants that are found deep in the sea. As it is derived from plants, not animals, it is suitable for use by vegans as a substitute for gelatin. The gelatin is animal-based and the agar agar powder is plant-based. It is found in the form of strands as well as powder. It helps in making Glass Cake, jelly cakes, pudding, desserts, etc.

The agar-agar powder is tasteless, odourless and colourless.

Firstly, we have to keep this cake at room temperature for half an hour. Then gently keep in the normal refrigerator (not in the freezer) for a minimum of 6 hours. It will be perfectly set after six hours.

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