Cake preservatives are additives that slower growth of damaged organisms like form or microbes in baked goods. Also functioned as a Interruption change of color, flavor and texture.
In order most bakers uses synthetic antimicrobial in baked goods, Even benzoates are weak antibials that works against the fungi. Unfrosted bakery products you want to keep much longer you can wrap it or freeze it in freezer.
methods of preservative the bakery items:
and the addition of chemicals.
Common preservatives and its use
Benzoates= work against fungi
including potassium sorbate, calcium sorbate and sodium sorbate= Sorbates
Propionates= helps to preserve a bakery items
Nitrites=used extensively to enhance the colour and extend the shelf life of processed meats.
including sodium sulfite, Sulfites,sodium bisulfite,, potassium bisulfite and potassium metabisulfite, sodium metabisulfite.
Vitamin E