Cake that happiness overloaded. Whether its wedding, birthday or just everyday luxury, a delicious cake is instant mood booster. A party isn’t a party without cake. Nowadays baby shower to graduation everything celebrate with cake. Its symbol of luxurious celebration.
In 19th century at Europe one of cake become symbol of luxury cake thanks to ingredients like eggs, milk ,butter and sugar. This ingredient are expensive. While today cake is not expensive as before.
There are some list of most expensive and luxurious cake ever:
Princess diana’s wedding cake
Sofia vergara wedding cake
Gucci mane wedding cake
Masami miyamoto’s diamond chocolate cake
One of the dubai broadway bakery makes gold coated dangal cake for Indian independence day. It tooks 3.5 weeks to create art. It takes 1200 man hours to create art.
Cake that happiness overloaded. Whether its wedding, birthday or just everyday luxury, a delicious cake is instant mood booster. A party isn’t a party without cake. Nowadays baby shower to graduation everything celebrate with cake. Its symbol of luxurious celebration.
In 19th century at Europe one of cake become symbol of luxury cake thanks to ingredients like eggs, milk ,butter and sugar. This ingredient are expensive. While today cake is not expensive as before.
There are some list of most expensive and luxurious cake ever:
Princess diana’s wedding cake
Sofia vergara wedding cake
Gucci mane wedding cake
Masami miyamoto’s diamond chocolate cake
One of the dubai broadway bakery makes gold coated dangal cake for Indian independence day. It tooks 3.5 weeks to create art. It takes 1200 man hours to create art.