

A teacake is generally known as a light yeast and sweet-based cake which contains dried fruits. This type of cake is generally served as toasted or buttered. Teacakes can be cookies or small cakes sometimes. Nowadays bakers can bake teacakes with milk, wheat bread, or little sugar. It looks round and soft for eating desserts. It is used to bake in buttered jam or cheese sandwiches. For more benefits, bakers can use eggs and different types of flavors into adding this type of cake.

Basically, teacakes are associated with the African – American community. Teacakes are mostly known as old-fashioned cookies nowadays. Mainly ingredients we can use are butter, eggs, flour, and vanilla at home. Basically, we can’t find an eggless cake in this category. Teacakes are perfectly used in noon tea or we can enjoy this type of cake with a glass of lemonade.

Teacakes are different than cakes. We can not consider tea cakes under cake or pastries but yes, this is one kind of dessert dish we can consider. Teacakes look like a flat, round, bread bun that is produce currants, sultana, or peel and it is served as toasted and buttered with tea. Teacakes are generally small type cake or tart/cookies type which is served hot with a tea. Other names for teacakes are the sweet bun, raisin bread, or raisin bun.

Step to make a tea cakes::

1. Bring fresh or filter water to a boil.
(You can preheat your cup with boiling water and after that, you can discard the water)
2. Bring and place the sachet in your chosen vessel where it is a teapot or a teacup.
3. Allow your tea to steep for 5-7 minutes.
4. After 5-7 minutes remove the sachet and enjoy your tea cake.

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